Welcome to Garrett Keith's first webpage!!!

I made this page for everyone who loves Garrett so we would be able to go somewhere for updates, pictures, news, etc!!! With everyone so spread out now days, this is just one small way everyone can stay involved in his life! If you ever have any pictures, news, etc you would like added please email me (kerihendon@yahoo.com)
& I will do my best to get it on here quickly! Also feel free to leave comments so I know who all is visiting!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Grandparents are for spoiling kids rotten!

Just what the kid needs.... more energy!
but he loves time with his Pops
Aww he is an angel!!!!!!!

and he loves me!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Many Styles of Garrett

Here are a Bunch of Random Pictures of Garrett!
Its been a busy busy week so I just added all the pictures I had of him since the last update.

Garrett's K-Fed Impression
He smiled soo pretty, and the camera was soo slow it missed most of it.

:) Awww

What a grown up little man!
Nap Time I Believe.

Prison Escapee?

Poor Little Boy is soo sleepy, but at least he is super stylish.
He is growing up so quickly

Ooops I surprised him!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bekah Time!!!

So Aunt Bekah came into town to see her favorite nephew and what fun they had!!!

Aww Fun Times

Garrett's thoughts "Save me from this people"

telling stories of bicycles and unicorns...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Garrett's best friend

Luke David Johnson was born on Wednesday, September 12
to Rachel's best friend Kelly and her husband David.

Isn't he adorable!

The best friends meet for the first time!

Garrett is not sure what that little squirming thing is haa
isn't that sooo adorable

Luke is soo sweet.

(Luke's Dad)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quick Update!!!

Garrett just realized who mommy was... and it was the funniest thing
so I had to add the pictures of him staring intently at her.

Who is that woman?
I think this is my mommy!!!

Ok Now that I know this how do I handle it???

The Look of Love
I am sooo happy & I love my mommy

But who is that other chick sitting by her that sorta looks like her
and is always taking my picture?
It's Aunt Gee!!!

and I am Robin Hood!

Fun Times...

Garrett is growing up so fast, its hard to believe he will be 8 weeks old next week. How time flies when you are watching a baby grow up! He has finally graduated up to non-premie clothes! Here a few recent pictures of him over the last little bit! :) Enjoy...

Mommy & Baby Garrett

Somehow it ended up looking like a yamaka

Mommy and Son
"Ney Ney" aka Feed me Feed me

how adorable is this outfit!

He was watching his Auntie Hannah
AWWWW mimi and garrett

haha he is listening to his Mommy & Aunt Gee sing 90's songs

and it scares him...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Aunt Keri "Gee" Babysitting Time

Here are a bunch of pics of Mr Garrett from today!
Profile Shot!
Hang out time
Gar and Gee

So I got to babysit Garrett today for just a little bit so Rachel could run up and see Baby Luke :) and he decided to make it VeryVery Interesting...

First He leaked his bottle all over... (Note the Oh Im So Busted Face)
Then he thought I will make Aunt Gee change her first poopy diaper haah (Notice the deep concentration of imminent poopage)
Then he thought to make it more interesting "I'll make sure my lil diaper leaks while she is holding me.." (Notice the slight smirk appearing)

So after all that I had to take off that outfit haa

I like to watch the colors on the tv-

but I have NOOO idea what a tv really is...

She turned me around and now I can't see the fun lights anymore

Now how cute am I?

Do you think Garrett will keep the blue eye color as he gets older???

What will Garrett's first word be?

Who does Garrett look like the most?

Which will Garrett do first???

How many comments have you left on Garrett's page?